Bringing your classes online

It's all about people: Administrative staff, teachers, career directors: we help your entire teaching staff to move the logic of your school to the web.

Comprehension: Bringing the school or university to the web is not just a matter of installing a few programs: it requires accompanying and listening every person. It requires support in the change process.

The Switch: the transition to a *school on the web* should be smooth, without setbacks or downtimes. But it is to be expected that there will be resistance to change. We know it. And we know how to solve it.

Interfaces: we provide all the necessary support to migrate processes online. We build *interfaces* between your proprietary system, your student base, and your online systems.

Independence: your school systems belongs to you: we will not make you dependant of payment per month, nor to human support that should remain forever, like "another employee". Instead, we make sure that you can take the wheel on every moment. We make sure that you will do not depend on anyone.